String duo Kleio is composed of two prize-winning musicians, violinist Linnea Hurttia and violist Ivan Podyachev.  They perform classical music string duo repertoire spiced with tango, folk music and great deal of own arrangements.

The latest news

Summer Cocktails in Velden

The String duo Kleio with the hostess of the evening, hotel manager Christine Sintschnig (left) and the honorary consul of Finland in Klagenfurt, Daniela Stein (right).

The 29.6. String duo Kleio was playing at the beautiful Yacht Hotel Velden. The Summer Cocktails were organized by the Business Frauen Center Klagenfurt and the Honorary Consulate of Finland. We are thankful for the Sylvi Kekkonen foundation for supporting our performance!

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    Orchester für Alle Tag

    Benediktiner Markt/ der Biomarkt in Klagenfurt


The history of tango

Gardel: Por una cabeza


Tango is a magical dance. When and where was tango born? How did it develope to that what it is today?

From Finland to Austria

Mozart: Duo in G Major


In this program we travel through Europe: from our nordic home country to the heart of the continent


Swedish polska, Arr. I. Podyachev


At the northernmost part of Europe one can find rich variety of folk music as well as a strong tradition of classical music


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